The Faculty of Letters and Sciences of Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești provides a rich and diverse educational offer thanks to the 7 Bachelor’s degree specializations which harmoniously combine the study of Humanities with that of Education Sciences, Administrative Sciences and Informatics. Graduates of our Bachelor programmes may be admitted to a post-graduate study programme and may further expand their competencies within the Master’s degrees corresponding to the following fields: Romanian Cultural Studies in the European Context, Concepts and Strategies of Intercultural Communication, Educational Management and European Integration, School Counselling and Career Development, Public Administration and European Integration, Advanced Information Processing Technologies.
The educational process unfolds on a modern and unitary campus, encompassing both study and recreational facilities, and is coordinated by an elite professional body that uses student-centered teaching strategies and is constantly involved in creating an academic environment fostering learning and intellectual excellence. Therefore, this academic environment will succeed in engaging students not only in formal education, but also in non-formal education.
The Faculty of Letters and Sciences guides and supports the academic development of our students, coordinates high-level academic national and international research and creates new knowledge. We are dedicated to promoting equality and acknowledging the benefits of a diverse and talented student community.Procesul didactic este asigurat într-o bază materială modernă și unitară, cu facilități de studiu, dar și de relaxare, de un corp profesoral de elită care utilizează strategii de predare centrate pe student și care se implică permanent în crearea unui climat academic propice studiului și desăvârșirii intelectuale, prin angrenarea studenților nu numai în educația formală, ci și în cea non-formală.
Facultatea de Litere şi Ştiinte ghidează și susține dezvoltarea academică a studenților noștri, efectuează cercetări de înalt nivel academic, național și internațional, și creează noi cunoștințe. Ne dedicăm pentru promovarea egalității și recunoaștem avantajele unei comunități studențești diverse și talentate.

The Dean’s Message
We accompany you on this great journey to a world full of challenges, of unknown things, of opportunities, of change!
We support you in the effort to discover yourself, to set new limits for yourself, to understand the world we live in and the one we will be living in and to fit in a globalized society!
In the age of information and communication, we support you to become a top specialist and, at the same time, to deeply understand the nobility of the mission of increasing the cultural heritage of humanity!
Let us present to you all a rich and diversified educational offer, consisting of Bachelor's and Master's programmes that harmoniously combine the study of Humanities with that of Educational Sciences, Administrative Sciences and Informatics.
We promote the idea of equality and acknowledge the advantages of a diverse, talented, responsible, committed student community.
Historical Overview
The Faculty of Letters and Sciences was established in 1992 as a result of the expansion of the educational offer of the former Institute of Petroleum and Gas in Ploiești and its transformation into a university. This expansion was the result of the diversification of the labor market and of the fact that new specializations appeared in many other universities in the country. Thus, Institute of Petroleum and Gas in Ploiești was transformed into a university, initially bearing the name the University of Ploiești, but then returning to the name Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești in order to reflect the tradition in the oil field education that it had previously had.
In 2002, it was reckoned that the Faculty of Letters and Sciences could be divided into two faculties, namely the Faculty of Letters and Sciences, consisting of the already mentioned specializations of humanities, social sciences and fundamental sciences, and the Faculty of Economics, which would gain its own status.
The Faculty of Letters and Sciences is part of Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești, which is a state higher-education institution with a rich tradition and outstanding results in the Romanian higher education system, re-accredited in 2019, and operating under Decree no. 175/1948 for the education reform, published in the Official Monitor no. 249 / 26.10.1948, under the Decree no. 702/1973, published in the Official Monitor no. 211 / 30.12.1973 and under the Decision of the Romanian Government no. 23 / 11.01.2001, published in the Official Monitor no. 18 / 11.01.2011.
Within the Faculty of Letters and Sciences, 7 Bachelor’s degree programmes, 6 Master’s degree programmes and a Romanian language preparatory programme for foreign citizens are accredited.
At the moment, there are no doctoral programs under the auspices of the Faculty of Letters and Sciences, but a file awaiting provisional authorization for a Doctoral School in the field of Educational Sciences has been submitted to ARACIS.
Faculty board
Prof. PhD. Suditu Mihaela
Phone: +40 244 573171 / int.244
(Dean's office/Secretariat)
Fax +40 244 575847
Assist. Prof. PhD. Dana Volosevici
Phone: +40 244 573171 / int.244
(Dean's office/Secretariat)
Fax +40 244 575847
Assist. Prof. PhD. Eng. Ioniţă Irina
Phone: +40 244 573171 / int.244
(Dean's office/Secretariat)
Fax +40 244 575847
Audience schedule
Audience schedule:
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Iridon Cristina
Assist. Prof. PhD. Eng. Ioniță Irina
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:10
Thursday: 13:30 - 15:10
Phone: +40-244-573171
Phone: +40-762-244662
Fax +40-244-575847
Secretariat Program:
Chief Secretary: Vică Angelica
Secretary: Florea Nicoleta
Monday and Wednesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Tuesday and Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00
Phone: +40-244-573171
Phone: +40-762-244662
Fax +40-244-575847
Faculty Council
Prof. PhD. Dobrinescu Anca Mihaela
Prof. PhD. Stan Emil Costică
Prof. PhD. Suditu Mihaela
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Apostolache Mihaela Adina
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Badea Mihaela Gabriela
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Costea Diana
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Iridon Cristina
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Mărgărițoiu Alina
Assoc. Prof. PhD. inf. Moise Gabriela
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Neagu Maria Ionela
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Negru Maria ionela
Assoc. Prof. PhD. inf. Nicoară Elena Simona
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Rînciog Diana
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Szekely Cătălina Ştefania
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Toma Irina
Assist. Prof. PhD. Ioniță Irina
Assist. Prof. PhD. Baciu Anca
Assist. Prof. PhD. Ioniță Liviu
Assist. Prof. PhD. Netedu Loredana Florina
Assist. Prof. PhD. Roșca Alina Elena
Assist. Prof. PhD. Șchiopu Daniela
Student Babaneacșa Paul Alexandru
Student Comănescu Andrei Marian
Student Cristescu Miruna Andreea
Student Dănăilă Vasilica Valentina
Student Diaconiță Georgiana Adina
Student Ion Andreea Laura
Student Stan Ștefania Gabriela
Student Toma (Năstase) Loredana
Study Programmes
Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (3 years, full-time study)
- Computer Science
- Romanian language and literature - English language and literature
- English language and literature - French language and literature
- Public administration
- Managerial and Administrative Assistance
- Pedagogy
- Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool Education
Master’s Degree Programmes (2 years, full-time study)
- Advanced Technologies for Information Processing
- Romanian Cultural Studies in the European Context
- Concepts and Strategies of Intercultural Communication
- Public Administration and European Integration
- School Counselling and Career Development
- Educational management and European integration