The Romanian Language Preparatory Year
The Romanian Language Preparatory Year
Given the specificity of Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești, there has been a long tradition in teaching foreign students and, consequently in teaching Romanian as a foreign language. On 22nd September 2016, the Collective of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization was officially founded in order to provide to the foreign students enrolled in the Romanian Language Preparatory Programme an educational and instructive process that fully complies with the new quality standards imposed to the Romanian superior education system. The collective is currently assigned to the Department of Philology, Faculty of Letters and Sciences, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești.
In the twenty years of the Romanian Language Preparatory Year existence, the Romanian language teachers from Petroleum-Gas University provided high-quality education to hundreds of foreign students coming from Europe, Asia, Africa or America, from countries such as: Angola, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Gabon, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Niger, Palestine, R.P.D. Korea, Senegal, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
Enrollment in the Romanian Language Preparatory Year
Non-UE Citizens
Admision 2024
The admission for non-EU citizens will be opened on 1rst March 2024. The deadline for application submission is 15 July 2024. The submission can be done exclusively online, through the Google Drive platform. The e-mail applications will not be processed!
Admission to Bachelor's Program
The application platform is available as following:
Preparatory Year:
Bachelor's degree:
Master's degree:
Doctoral degree:
The Petroleum-Gas University will process the files and will send them to the Ministry of Education for evaluation. It may take up to 30 working days to receive an answer from the Ministry of Education. Once the answer is received, The Petroleum-Gas University will inform the student about the results.
Calendar of Admission (Excerpt from Methodology of Receiving to Studies)
Admission Procedure (Excerpt from Methodology of Receiving to Studies)
Educational offer
Academic Offer for Preparatory Year of Romanian Language
Faculty of Letters and Sciences
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry
Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering
Faculty of Economical Sciences
Faculty of Letters and Sciences
Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry
Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering
Faculty of Economical Sciences
Doctoral Studies
List of the Recognized High School Diplomas
Enrollment List of the Documents
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Final Exam Regulation
Tuition Fee for Foreign Students - Preparatory Year
Processing Fees
File processing fee – 100 euros, not refundable in case of rejecting the file (excluding the bank fees)
Atention! Paying the processing fee and the tuition fee
The payment proofs have to mention the bank account of Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, the name of the applicant and his series and passport number. If the payment has not been made by the applicant, but by a mediator, in the payment proofs, beside the bank account of Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti and the name of the applicant and his series and passport number, has to appear the name of the payer and his series and passport number.
Refund policy
Tuition fee and refund policy for international students
Accommodation Fees:
Depend on the comfort of the room and the status of the student (having a scholarship or paying the fees for study).
Structure of the academic year
2023 - 2024
The Curriculum of the Romanian Language Preparatory Year
Course guides
Education Schedule
First semester

Second semester
Exams Schedule
Romanian Language Preparatoty Year – Group A
Romanian Language Preparatoty Year – Group B
Teaching Staff
- Assoc.Prof.Phd. Iridon Cristina, Coordinator of the Preparatory Year
- Assoc.Prof.Phd. Badea Mihaela
- Assoc.Prof.Phd.Gafu Cristina
- Assoc.Prof.Phd. Netedu Loredana
- Assoc.Prof.Phd. Nica Marius
- Assoc.Prof.Phd Rînciog Diana
- Assoc.Prof.Phd.Stoian Silvia
- Lect.Phd. Ispas Lucia
- Lect.Phd. Trifan Mihaela
- Prof. Phd. Petrea Constantin
- Contact:
- Phone: +40 244 573171/int.186

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești is one of the few universities in the country that can fully cover the accommodation needs for its non-residential students. Its accommodation capacity consists of 1700 beds, in seven hostels located in the very proximity of the university. All the buildings have been recently modernized and insulated. The 2, 3 or 4-bedded rooms have their own sanitary group and wireless internet.
Depend on the comfort of the room and the status of the student (having a scholarship or paying the fees for study) For the scholarships’ holders the accommodation is free in the students’ hostels 1, 4, 5. They have to pay for the students hostels 2, 6, 7. The price of a place in a dormitory is aprox. 150 euros/month. These fees are approved each year by the Senate of the UPG.
The members of the teaching staff have manifested a permanent interest in improving their activity of scientific research in the field of teaching Romanian language as a foreign language, as proven by their publications (books, articles, scientific projects) and participations in national and international symposiums, conferences or training activities. The full list of these publications can be consulted at the Philology Department library (Building A, 2nd floor).
Conferences and Workshops
*Organized by the Department of Philology, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești
- International Conference Predarea, receptarea și evaluarea limbii române ca limbă străină – Dinamică și varietate, 14 – 15 July 2022
- International Conference Predarea, receptarea și evaluarea limbii române ca limbă străină – Actualizate și perspectivă, 10 – 11 July 2020
- International Conference Predarea, receptarea și evaluarea limbii române ca limbă străină– dimensiune a interculturalității, second edition, Ploiești, 13 July 2018, organized in partnership with the Institute of the Romanian Language, Bucharest and Univerza v Ljubljani – Filozofska Fakulteta.
- National Workshop Predarea, receptarea și evaluarea limbii române ca limbă străină – dimensiune a interculturalității, Ploiești, 15 July 2016, organized in partnership with the Institute of the Romanian Language, Bucharest and Univerza v Ljubljani – Filozofska Fakulteta.
*Participations in national and international conferences dedicated to Romanian language as a foreign language (Alba, Cluj, Iași, Constanța, Tg Mures)
- International Conference Limbajul științelor și știința limbajelor. Culturi în dialog, University Ovidius of Constanța, 17-20 May 2018.
- Limba română ca limbă străină, Alba Iulia, 9 June 2017;
- Discurs polifonic în Româna ca limbă străină, Cluj, 2017;
- International Conference Limbajul științelor, știința limbajelor. Perspective didactice, University Ovidius of Constanța, 10-11 June 2017;
- International Symposium Româna ca limbă străină în dialog transcontinental. Valorificarea experiențelor didactice, interculturale și lingvistice în sistemul educational universitar, Iași – Chișinău, 29-31 May 2017;
- International Conference Social and Cultural Interferences in the Black Sea Region EUBSR 2013;
- International Conference on Education and Educational Psycology, ICEEPSY 2012.
- International Conference Diversitate culturală în mediul academic, 11 - 12 May 2023
- International Conference Diversitate culturală în mediul academic, 26 - 27 May 2022
- International Conference Diversitate culturală în spațiul academic, 27 - 28 May 2021
- National Workshop Diversitate culturală în spațiul academic românesc, 30 - 31 May 2019
- National Conference Confluențe etnologice, estetice, literare și lingvistice - EPOS și PATHOS, 27-28 April 2018
Extracurricular Activities
Getting closer to Romanian traditions and holidays
Every Christmas, foreign students, assisted by Romanian Bachelor and Master students, sing songs specific to their country, make decorations and cards. In December 2016, they were visited and caroled by the Palatul Copiilor chorus which performed a 30-minute live concert with Romanian carols and traditional songs. Every Easter Eve, our foreign students dye eggs and eat “cozonac” and share customs from their countries.
In the second semester of every academic year, given their linguistic acquisition, students visit museums in Ploiești and in the neighbourhood. Visits to museums such as Museum of Petroleum, Museum of Natural Sciences (Human Biology Section), Arts Museum are usually related to their future field of study and research or represent the perfect opportunity to familiarize them with unique places in Romania such as the Clock Museum of Ploiești. In 2016, several students from 2015-2016 series participated along with our colleague, assist. prof. PhD Silvia Stoian, in Noaptea Muzeelor Event, occasion with which they visited Clock Museum of Ploiești and ”Hagi Prodan” Merchant House (18th century), a mixture of Romanian and Oriental architecture.
Every year, the students from the Preparatory Year are given the opportunity to visit places in Prahova, in Bucharest and in the neighbouring counties. In this respect, it is worth mentioning the trips organized by the teaching staff of the Collective of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization and by the Romanian master students attending Concepts and Strategies of Intercultural Communication Master Programme in the cities of Brașov, București, Sinaia or at the Zoological Garden from Bucov.
Sports & Dance
The Department of Motric Activities and University Sport organizes on a regular basis activities in which international students are actively involved: football and basketball matches between Romanian and foreign students, table tennis competitions (where the students from Korea and Turkmenistan place constantly in top positions), flash mobs, meetings with local sports personalities, such as athletes, basketball players.
In May 2014, Angola students won the 1st place in the National Dance Competition Everybody, Dance with Us!
Extracurricular Activities with Romanian Language Preparatory Year – 2018