Details on the organization of mixed mobilities and periods of "mobility" in virtual format - teaching stuff- in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic:
The period of "mobility" in virtual format was introduced as an exceptional measure to support the development of actual mobility in physical format (and not to replace it automatically); it can be planned as part of a mixed mobility and only in cases of justified force majeure can it replace a proper mobility period in physical format that cannot be performed by a participant.
For any type of mobility, individual contracts for participation in the Erasmus + program will be concluded.
In cases where it is not possible to organize the actual mobility in physical format, as well as if this measure is necessary, relevant and possible, it is allowed to organize a period of "mobility" in virtual format or a mixed mobility for which it is allowed combining a period of "mobility" in virtual format with a period of mobility in physical format.
Mobility periods in physical / mixed / virtual format must be certified by the host institution / organization through the related supporting documents.
For physical mobility: In case the participant is required to have a quarantine or self-isolation period in the host country, this period can be covered financially by the Erasmus + grant only with the cumulative fulfillment of the following conditions: the duration of the mobility is longer than the self-isolation period / quarantine; the respective period to be included in the mobility period attested by the receiving institution / organization through the participation certificate issued at the end of the mobility; during the period of self-isolation / quarantine, the mobility participant to carry out online activities offered by the host institution / organization.